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- Ticari Soğutucular | ByMor
Soğutucu Ürünler Ticari Dikey Soğutucular , Ticari Yatay Soğutucular , Dondurma Dolapları, Şişe Dolapları Our Signature Aesthetic
- İletişim | ByMor
MOR İÇ ve DIŞ TİC.PAZ.LTD.ŞTİ. FACTORY ADDRESS : 2nd Organized Industrial Zone 83228 Caddesi No:14 Başpınar Şehitkamil / Gaziantep / Türkiye FACTORY GSM : +90 541 187 27 73 OFFICE ADDRESS: Değirmicem Mah. Nisantasi St. Tekerekoğlu İş Mrk. Floor :2 No. 69 Şehitkamil/ Gaziantep / Türkiye OFFICE PHONE : +90 342 999 71 67 e-mail : info@bymor.com.tr OUR FOUNDER : Serhat ÇİÇEK e-mail : scicek@bymor.com.tr smordis@hotmail.com GSM : +90 533 464 71 14
- Halı Ürünleri | ByMor
MOR Gallery Morshome 2024 Runner & Decorative Collection
- Hakkımızda | ByMor
Our company started its activities with retail sales in 1987 and crowned it by growing with exports and production in 1992. We continue our customer-oriented performance with the excitement of the first day, relying on our professional experience of more than 30 years in pattern and quality, our professional staff, and our technological and modern business environment suitable for the needs of the age. Our company produces and exports intensively to Iraq, many Middle Eastern countries, as well as some European countries and the Turkish Republics. Thanks to our commitment to our principles, we maintain our stable ranking in the export lists and continue our work as a leader in our field. We provide a wide range of services in the PP, polyester, tufting, mosque categories, in the range of 140,000 points to 720,000 points, in the weights of 1,200 gr, 1,400 gr, 1,600 gr, 2,000 gr, 2,200 gr, 3,000 gr, 3,500 gr, as well as in the slump and heat-set categories. we are . Our company started its activities with retail sales in 1987 and crowned it by growing with exports and production in 1992. We continue our customer-oriented performance with the excitement of the first day, relying on our professional experience of more than 30 years in pattern and quality, our professional staff, and our technological and modern business environment suitable for the needs of the age. Our company intensively produces and exports to Iraq, many Middle Eastern countries, as well as some European countries and the Turkish Republics. Thanks to our commitment to our principles, we maintain our stable ranking in export lists and continue our work as a leader in our field We provide comprehensive services in PP, Polyester, Tufting, Cami, Slump and Heat-Set categories, in weights between 140,000 points and 720,000 points, and in weights of 1,200 gr, 1,400 gr, 1,600 gr, 2,000 gr, 2,200 gr, 3,000g, 3,500g. All Videos All Videos Play Video Share Whole Channel This Video Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied Search video... Now Playing MOR 3 00:21 Play Video Now Playing MOR 5 00:16 Play Video Now Playing MOR 4 00:22 Play Video Now Playing MOR 2 00:19 Play Video